
Contact Paper-Deer

paper-deer : a music blog in melbourne

excitators and agitators of the Melbourne music scene

Paper-Deer is always on the lookout for new bands to blog about (even your own), new venues to get drunk at or new writers to contribute. Contact Paper-Deer at paige.x.cho[at] Also, feel free to abuse us (nicely) if you find errors, omissions or anything else that irks you.

Alternatively, just click on envelope icon below this post. It'll send you off to a magically contact form so you won't have to even open your internet browser.

ATTN ARTISTS: If you're interested in having your act featured in Paper-Deer, please send a complete press release, biography and links to your music to paige.x.cho[at] As a blog focused on the live music scene in Melbourne, we generally only feature artists who have upcoming shows in Melbourne and surrounding regional areas. As we get lots of requests, please contact us at least four weeks prior to your shows otherwise we won't have enough time to fit it into our crazy lives.