Paper-Deer is a non-profit blog, meaning that everyone who has worked on this blog has volunteered their wordy or arty services and spent many a night hacking away at their keyboards or swirling things about on their graphics tablets when they should have been sleeping. So be nice. Here are some words from the Paper-Deer team.
I'm the psychotic music journalist who set up Paper-Deer, and have somehow in the process put myself up for the constant stream of emails from bands bombarding me with interview requests and a few stalkers. I'm a Melbourne-based music journalist who has also contributed to media publications such as Beat Magazine, FasterLouder and MTV Australia, as well as privately-commissioned biographies, press releases, scripts and advertising copy. Between nine to six, I'm also known as the stressed out Administration and Promotions Manager for music distributor Valleyarm, and in my free time provide management and marketing consultancy services for music artists. I have a degree in psychology, and only fell into the music industry because I had a maddening infatuation with a terribly attractive Melbourne musician and needed something to impress him with.
When I'm not having a music-industry-related heart attack, I can be found gorging on tea cakes and chugging soy chai lattes, or walking my intellectually not-quite-there rabbit. My deepest, darkest secret is that I can't use chopsticks, meaning that Kevin Rudd is actually more Asian than me.
Please visit or email paige.x.cho[at] for more information about hiring my wordsmith or consultancy services.
My name is Stephanie-Bowie Liew, but that’s kind of a mouthful; mostly I just go by Bowie. I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Journalism at Monash University. Next year is my final year! It’s too scary to think about. Ultimately, I’d love a career in music journalism. It combines two of the things I’m most passionate about into a convenient little package. I pretty much live and breathe music: playing it, listening to it, watching it being performed, writing about it and reading about it.
Of course, I do have other interests, too. I like reading books, watching TV-on-DVD and films, lurking about on social networking sites, getting coffee or tea with friends, performing acoustic covers to audiences on YouTube, collecting teacups and teapots, and taking photos of my food before eating it (don’t judge me). I have a sneaking suspicion that I wear pyjamas more often than is considered socially acceptable. Feel free to check out my writing blog at
I’m another creative to add to the mix, however, writing isn't my forte like the other pro’s on the team. Think art, design, handmade creations, photography, creative visuals - that's me! I’m a graphic designer/artist with a degree in Fine Arts, as well as a Certificate III & IV in Visual Communication.
So after five years of study, you may wonder what I'm doing now. I’m a Freelance Designer for myself, my partner’s business ZOVA, Paper-Deer and anyone else who wants me on board. I’m also a Creative Design Consultant for music distributor Valleyarm (liaising with the lovely Paige) three days a week and the other three is spent in hospitality. I'm always looking to expand my creative folio and get more experience which I can never have enough of!
I also enjoy the social scene, going to music festivals, gigs and concerts with a few bevvies in hand. I find it’s always good to balance out the computer nerd with the social butterfly in me. After all, I’m a Gemini so I have two minds to please.
Please email me at jgoldsmith2[at] if you're interested in hiring my graphic design services.
I also enjoy the social scene, going to music festivals, gigs and concerts with a few bevvies in hand. I find it’s always good to balance out the computer nerd with the social butterfly in me. After all, I’m a Gemini so I have two minds to please.
Please email me at jgoldsmith2[at] if you're interested in hiring my graphic design services.