
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We have moved! Our blog is now at

No, I'm not crazy about typing everything in capital letters, but this band is apparently called PANIC. I checked out the amazing band The Stabs at Bar Open on Sunday, but it wasn't three grungy men that really stood out in my head. It was the 22 very lovely female musicians that absolutely filled out the "stage" area of Bar Open. Twenty-two women, all clad in various shades of red, black and leopard print, and every single one armed with an instrument of some sort. From what I could see, there were two violins, multiple percussionists, a few vocalists, an accordion, two drummers, a double bass, multiple guitars, a twelve-string, a melodica and probably a lot more that I couldn't actually see.

The result? Absolutely astonishing. The Bar Open gig was PANIC's debut gig, and it took them a while to get things together (sound checking and co-ordinating 22 people is no easy feat). But once they did, the audience were pretty much worshipping the ladies. PANIC's sound was sort of like a twisted, demented orchestra - the type of music that would be in the soundtrack of a demented horror film, perhaps. Banshee vocals, muttered words, eclectic percussion and an overall wall of sound that can only be created with that many musicians.

By the way, they don't have a MySpace account, or it's very well hidden, so I could be making all this shit up.

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